The Best 14 Destinations in Zimbabwe

Published: 17 August 2023


You come across Zimbabwe, a nation showcasing extraordinary landscapes, teeming with wildlife, and steeped in history as profound as it is vibrant. The allure of its landscapes, the array of its nature, and the deep layers of its history all work harmoniously to transform Zimbabwe into an utterly enchanting locale for you to explore.

So you can prepare yourself for a treasure trove of insights and recommendations that transcend the ordinary, guiding you from the iconic cascades of Victoria Falls to the ancient remnants of Great Zimbabwe, all woven together in pursuit of an unparalleled and multifaceted journey.

1 . Wildlife

A heavenly waterfall of such magnificent splendor, Victoria Falls beckons that simple words tremble before its majesty. However, the show doesn’t end at the falls; instead, it continues into the lush Hwange National Park, where a genuine symphony of the wild awaits, unfolding like an epic drama. Put on your famous safari hat since you’ll be in enthralling proximity to animals of all imaginable types, among the melodic symposium of nature’s best. And lo, Matobo National Park exposes a surrealist scene of ancient rock formations as you continue on your trek. These formations appear to have been fashioned by time itself.

2 . Victoria Falls

Exploring an extraordinary Zimbabwean escapade entails immersing oneself in the transcendent spectacle of Victoria Falls. Revered as “The Resounding Mist,” this monumental cascade stands committed as one of the Seven Natural Wonders. Enchantment envelops you as you stand at the precipice, wrapped in the resounding thunder and veiled by the mist’s ethereal embrace. You can explore Zimbabwean and Zambian viewpoints to get this natural phenomenon’s grandeur there.


3 . Hwange National Park

Embarking on an exhilarating pilgrimage deep into the heart of African wildlife leads you to the venerable Hwange National Park. Through a myriad of safari options, you can witness the extraordinary behaviors of these locals in their native habitat, crafting indelible memories that shall traverse the currents of time.

4 . Mana Pools National Park

For an immersive safari experience beyond compare, chart your course to the hallowed grounds of Mana Pools National Park. Eulogized for its untrammeled wilderness and intimate communion with the animal realm, this UNESCO World Heritage Site extends walking safaris that draw you tantalizingly close to elephants, hippopotamuses, and myriad avian species—the palpable thrill of becoming integral to Africa’s pristine wilderness courses through your veins.

5 . Great Zimbabwe

One can’t help but be in awe of the mysterious relics that whisper the eternal sagas of Great Zimbabwe as one travels through the intricate fabric of Zimbabwe’s renowned historical narrative. These complex and significant artifacts serve as sentinels for the tremendous influence of a prehistoric society that dared to achieve previously unheard-of levels of cultural complexity. These aged stones have the histories of old carved into their structure, opening a doorway to bygone eras and luring adventurous spirits to travel through the pages of history.The site’s three primary geographic divisions are the Hill Complex, the Great Enclosure, and the Valley Ruins.

6 . Traditional Artistry

Enjoy yourself in the effervescent essence of Zimbabwe by engaging with its indigenous art forms. From intricate sculptures to exquisitely woven baskets, these creations transcend the realm of mere objects – they encapsulate the chronicles of a people’s history, beliefs, and way of life. Seize the moment to carry home a fragment of Zimbabwean heritage, a tangible connection to its rich legacy

7 . Matobo National Park

For those who yearn for the thrill of the wild and cradle nature in their souls, Matobo National Park stands as a sanctuary. The dramatic sprawl of granite formations begets a landscape otherworldly in its allure, beckoning rock climbers and hikers with equal enthusiasm. You can discover ancient rock art that weaves the tales of bygone generations, and if fortune graces you, catch a fleeting glimpse of the elusive black rhinoceros that calls this sanctuary its sacred abode.

8 . Zambezi River

The Zambezi River proffers electrifying white-water rafting escapades for the devotees of adrenaline pining for a rush of unadulterated thrill. Navigate the tumultuous rapids that evoke joy, all set against panoramas that eternally command awe. This escapade amalgamates heart-pounding elation with the sheer magnificence of the milieu, etching memories that will always linger in your consciousness’s recesses.

Once in Zimbabwe, you can reach the Zambezi River by road or domestic flights. From Victoria Falls, it’s a short drive to reach the river. You can also consider guided tours or river cruises that provide transportation to the Zambezi for activities like river safaris or fishing.

9 . Culinary Exploration of Indigenous Flavors

As the explorer delves into the fabric of discovery, they inevitably encounter a strand that is intertwined with the very nature of each destination—its unique cuisine. The diverse flavors and cultural traditions in Zimbabwean gastronomy burst onto the taste buds with a lively mix of flavors inspired by the rich tapestry of the region’s history and nature’s plentiful bounty. Plunge into a sensory journey that takes you to the heart of Zimbabwe’s culinary culture and brace yourself for an experience unlike any other.

At the epicenter of this gustatory odyssey stands “sadza,” an indigenous maize-based porridge. Yet, sadza is no mere sustenance; it is a hearty embrace of nourishment and heritage. Each spoonful bears the weight of centuries, a link to ancestral kitchens where wisdom is passed from generation to generation. As you delve into this maize wonder, you’ll discern sustenance and spiritual communion with Zimbabwe’s past.

10 . Chinhoyi Caves

Allow us to guide you into the mystifying hug of the Chinhoyi Caves – an intricate arrangement of lime chambers embellished with exquisite azure waters. Take note of the cadence created by contrasting brief, concise statements with longer, more intricate ones- imitating the pace of your heart within the caves. Steel yourself for the enchanting flow as we deftly blend short, pithy statements that pulse with the intensity of a heartbeat, and wow!: sprawling complex sentences that mimic the unpredictability of your voyage through the unfathomable depths of these incredible wonders of nature.

11 . Lake Kariba

Yet, the story of Lake Kariba is not confined to its surface. Below the mirror-like expanse of its waters, another layer of perplexity unfolds. Here, hidden from the casual observer, lies a world of enigma, where labyrinthine underwater caves and uncharted realms teem with life. The cryptic denizens of the depths, from the reclusive catfish to the enigmatic tigerfish, epitomize the profound intricacies beneath the tranquil veneer.

How to get to Lake Kariba?

In our pursuit of understanding and appreciation, we must recognize Lake Kariba’s role as a sentinel of change. As the Zambezi continues its relentless journey, the lake experiences the rhythm of the seasons in a burst of metamorphosis.

By Air:

The Harry Mwanga Nkumbula International Airport in Livingstone, Zambia, is the nearest international airport to Lake Kariba. From there, you can take a domestic flight to Kariba Airport, Lusaka International Airport (in Zambia), or Harare International Airport (in Zimbabwe), depending on your final destination on the lake.

By Road:

You can reach Lake Kariba by road if you are already in Zambia or Zimbabwe. There are well-maintained roads connecting major cities to the lake. In Zambia, you can drive from Lusaka to Siavonga, a town on the southern shore of Lake Kariba. You can drive from Harare to Kariba town on the lake’s northern shore in Zimbabwe.

By Boat:

Once you arrive at Lake Kariba’s shores, you can explore the lake by boat. Several tour operators offer boat trips, cruises, and houseboat rentals for tourists to enjoy the scenic beauty of the lake.

12 . Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park

Here, you can explore the magnificent Mosi-oa-Tunya with experienced guides who lead you across the park’s vast expanse to absorb the unique ecosystems. Many visitors love this park because it has an It’s a mystical escape into the vibrant depths overflowing inside the haven’s riches. It’s a harmonious pathway leading through nature’s wilderness, fueling an energetic euphoria you won’t forget.

Deep in the heart of the Mosi-oa-Tunya lies a strange dichotomy. The royal towering of Victoria Falls uncomfortably collides with the fragile intricacies of the park’s ecosystems, creating a paradoxical sight that challenges habitual perception. Everywhere, bewilderment runs through the fabric of the wildlife, practically overflowing at every opportunity. However, this fierce heartbeat ups the ante for daring souls who wish to enter the profoundly spiritual wilderness.

How to get to Lake Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park

From Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe:

If you arrive in Victoria Falls, you can reach Mosi-oa-Tunya by taking a taxi or shuttle service, which is readily available at the airport. The falls are just a short drive from the town of Victoria Falls, and there are clear signposts to guide you to the park entrance.

From Livingstone, Zambia:

If you arrive in Livingstone, you can also take a taxi or shuttle to Mosi-oa-Tunya. It’s a short drive from Livingstone to the falls, and you can easily find transportation services to take you there.

13 . Chimanimani National Park

As you navigate through the winding paths of Chimanimani, a rare and thrilling adventure awaits the bold traveler. This goes beyond just journeying to somewhere new; it morphs into an experience that dives deep into the complex web of stories crafted by Mother Nature herself.

Your style of exploration – be it casually strolling or bravely hiking through challenging terrains – matters not, for Chimanimani possesses a distinct charm that impeccably caters to all kinds of adventurers, guaranteeing a trip that is second to none – loaded with wonder and exhilaration. It’s an occasion that’s impossible to resist and undeniably tempting.

How to get to Lake Chimanimani National Park?

By Air:

The nearest major airport is Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport in Harare, the capital city. From there, you can take a domestic flight to Mutare Airport or Buffalo Range Airport, relatively close to Chimanimani. After landing, you can arrange for ground transportation to the park.

By Road:

You can also reach Chimanimani National Park by road. Take the A3 highway from Harare to Mutare, the largest city in the eastern region of Zimbabwe. From Mutare, you can continue south on the A10 towards Chimanimani. The journey offers scenic views, but checking road conditions and directions in advance is essential, as some routes may not be well-maintained.

Public Transport:

Public buses and minibusses operate between Harare and Mutare. Once in Mutare, you can inquire about local transport options or hire a taxi to take you to Chimanimani National Park.

14 . National Gallery of Zimbabwe

The National Gallery of Zimbabwe is located in the capital of Zimbabwe, Harare. As you enter this respected institution, the beauty and skill of Zimbabwean art are displayed before your eyes like an orchestra of wondrous images that dance through time. Inside these walls, tradition blends smoothly with modern art, creating visual stories from the events in the nation’s history. Come inside and become a part of this unfolding narrative, a vibrant collection of cultural treasures just waiting to be explored by the curious observer. These artful expressions resonate with the echoes of Zimbabwe’s past, intricately woven with its inexhaustible creative energy.

How to reach the National Gallery of Zimbabwe?
  1. By Car: If you have a vehicle, input the gallery’s address into your GPS or map app. The National Gallery is typically located in the central area of the city. Look for nearby parking options, as well.
  2. Public Transportation: Zimbabwean cities often have public buses or minibusses called “kombis.” Ask locals or check a city map for a bus route that passes near the National Gallery. Inform the driver of your destination.
  3. Taxi or Ride-Sharing: Hail a taxi on the street or use a ride-sharing app like Uber if available. Ensure the driver knows the gallery’s location or show them the address on your phone.
  4. Walking: If you’re staying in the city center, the National Gallery may be within walking distance. Use a map app for guidance, and enjoy a stroll through the city.
  5. Ask Locals: Don’t hesitate to ask friendly locals for directions. They can provide valuable tips and guidance to help you find your way to the National Gallery of Zimbabwe.

Cultural Etiquette

Your essential task in the enchanted world of your Zimbabwean holiday is to skillfully absorb the rich tapestry of native customs and traditions, which unfold like a kaleidoscope of cultural delights. This trip’s fundamental core depends on the skillful balancing of confusion and bluster, much like the enthusiastic dances of “Mangwanani” (loosely translated as the radiant “good morning” or “good afternoon”) and “Maswera sei.” These nuanced language strokes serve as your keys to opening linguistic doors and creating lasting connections beyond a single lexicon’s scope.

Furthermore, as you traverse the landscape of their daily lives, it is incumbent upon you to foster a profound sensitivity toward their way of life to decipher the unspoken narratives within their everyday rituals and traditions. The undercurrents of their existence are like the sinuous river coursing through the heart of this land, profound and ever-changing. Your Zimbabwean journey shall become an unforgettable tapestry of cross-cultural enrichment, where the spoken and unspoken narratives intermingle, giving rise to a symphony of shared experiences.

Visa Requirements

Depending on your country, you should sort out a visa in Zimbabwe. The smart play? Could you scope the specifics with your homeland’s Zimbabwean embassy or consulate? They’ll clue you in on the ins and outs of the visa game.

Before you jet off, though, let’s talk Health and Vaccinations. A pit stop at a travel clinic or your trusty healthcare provider is necessary. You’ll want the whole gamut of vaccinations and health checks squared away. And don’t sleep on the malaria situation – some spots are no joke. Stock up on antimalarial meds to be on the safe side.

Now, onto the nitty-gritty: Currency. The scoop is that Zimbabwe rolls with the Zimbabwean dollar (ZWL). Tuck a mix of cash and cards into your pocket, but remember that your flashy international cards might not steal the show everywhere you go. Chuck in some smaller bills for local transactions – it’s the savvy move.


No worries. English, Shona, and Sindebele are all game here. English is your golden ticket, especially if you’re hitting hotspots in the city or where tourists swarm. The linguistic structure of Zimbabwe is a captivating pattern of languages and dialects that is worthy of exploration. Shona is the triumphant language in the heartlands with its entrancing beat, while Sindebele found in the southern regions. Amongst all this linguistic harmony, English is the main content element that holds it together. But in addition to these well-known languages, unknown linguistic treasures like Chewa, Chibarwe, and Koisan adorn Zimbabwe’s language landscape like valuable jewels, enhancing the intricate brilliance of its linguistic diversity.

When you travel to Zimbabwe, take advantage of the language barriers you encounter. By communicating with the locals, you’ll discover the true essence of your adventure in this enchanting place. Make the languages spoken in Zimbabwe a crucial part of your journey, revealing the mysteries of this awe-inspiring destination along the way.

Weather Condition

In Zimbabwe, you find yourself amidst a delightful subtropical climate. You experience summers (November to March) that give you inviting warmth and intermittent showers. As for winters (May to August), they bestow upon you superbly arid conditions. The eastern highlands welcome a more excellent downpour, creating flourishing landscapes that capture your senses. Meanwhile, the remainder of the nation treats you to sun-soaked days with temperatures that ensure your comfort.

Zimbabwe’s got the subtropical groove going on. Chilly, dry winters (May to August) and sizzling, wet summers (November to April) are the rhythm. Remember, each region has its jam, so please pack smart. So, there you have it, your Zimbabwean adventure, primed for perplexity and bursting with bursts.


Every nook and cranny of this fascinating nation narrates a tale, from the glorious grandeur of Victoria Falls to the age-old stories etched into the stones of Great Zimbabwe. Be it the seeker of adrenaline, the connoisseur of history, the devotee of nature, or the curious epicurean, Zimbabwe stands as an open invitation, poised to satiate your yearning for wanderlust.

So, gather your belongings, unbar the doors of your heart to novel experiences, and prepare to etch memories that shall endure the tests of time.Zimbabwe extends its embrace, arms wide open, poised to enfold you in a tapestry of experiences that shall forever illuminate the corridors of your reminiscences.

Written by TravelPartnerVa


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